Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Ten Years of Best Games


Ten years is a long time in gaming. Since we last asked you for your top games, there have been many new releases that have shot up the rankings. But there have also been a few titles that have left us with an impression that will never fade.

So we have once again rounded up the best of the best for your consideration. It’s a list that’s full of blockbusters, classics and hidden gems, all worthy of your hard-earned cash.

A cult classic that shook the gaming world, this game set the standard for what you can expect from a multiplayer shooter. It was responsible for pushing gaming into the mainstream and popularised the deathmatch mode that was to become the backbone of titles such as Halo, Timesplitters and Call of Duty. It’s also one of the most awe-inspiring action adventure games ever created and it remains a benchmark in terms of graphics, gameplay, combat and story.

If you want to see what games are like before you The best games buy them, YouTube is a great place to start looking at reviews and gameplay videos for a number of titles. Alternatively, Steam has an excellent review system where you can filter by positive or negative reviews and how long the player played the title for.

The first game to make use of the 3D capabilities of the Gamecube, A Link To The Past still stands out for its revolutionary design. The shift between Dark World and Light World was a transformative concept that later found its way into other Zelda titles. And the balancing act between story and puzzles was perfectly executed with fine-tuned difficulty levels that pushed players.

Unlike the kitchen sink approach of Rockstar’s previous efforts, GTA IV focused on creating an engrossing and compelling story while using the vast open world as a canvas. Its story of a psychotic criminal wreaking havoc across Los Angeles is unrivalled by any other game and the climactic conclusion to the game’s campaign is among the most memorable in gaming history.

An apocalyptic sci-fi thriller that was slick, stylish and brutal. It was also the most inventive and ingenious point-and-click adventure of its generation. The complex narrative was backed up by high production values, ingenious puzzles (although mention the rubber ducky one to any fan and watch their forehead vein throb with rage throwbacks) and incredible voice acting that made the whole experience an immersive journey into another world.

It’s the one that started a franchise that has redefined video games and it was the most influential game of its generation. This seminal title from Valve and Gabe Newell showed what could be done with physics-based environments, challenging the genre and inspiring many of the shooter titles that came before it. It’s a game that has been played and loved by millions of players over the years. For all that, it’s easily one of the finest examples of game design. The best game of all time?


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